So much going on!!

The season for spring and summer is starting to move at the rental. As we hoped, we are getting big groups.

Cute story: I had some big school kids coming over for pizza. Supposed to be at my house, not the rental. I got this text:”I went to the rental where I thought dinner was. I did what I always did-knocked on the door and walked in. On the couch were a dozen 20 year old girls, I guess I’m in the wrong place.” He was very embarrassed. Next day I saw one of the girls, “he was very cute and very embarrassed.”

This sign was up this weekend.

I was working on the fields and these fellows came up to me. They don’t speak English and I don’t speak Spanish, but somehow they communicated to me a better way of composting. The fellow on the left is an agricultural engineer. Somehow he got that across. All the guests have been fantastic!